Thanksgiving Weekend

Here are a few photos from Thanksgiving break….



We had the traditional Thanksgiving feast with housemate Cara and little housemate, the Cub.  Then the toddlers napped.  After Silvie woke up from her nap we attempted our one and only Thanksgiving tradition, a quick hike up Mount Tabor.  To see past Thanksgivings look here and here and here (oh my goodness, look how little Silvie was last year!)  By the time Silvie had woken up from her nap, it was starting to get dark so it was a very quick dash up to  our favorite tree and an attempt to get a photo before it was too dark.  The dogs, the girl, the weather, all were not cooperating very well.  So this is the 2010 picture on our favorite tree.

On Sunday we went downtown to see the Christmas tree in Pioneer Square.   Silvie was more enchanted by all the stairs around the square and the MAX trains (“choo-choo”), than the tree.  Every time the MAX would stop, pick up passengers, and take off again, Silvie would let loose with a string of “bye-bye, choo-choo!  bye-bye, choo-choo!  bye-bye, choo-choo!”  I finally heard myself saying, “All right, that’s enough” after about the fiftieth utterance.IMG_8259_edited-1

After a chilly morning in Pioneer Square we had to go get some coffee.  Silvie bellied up to the bar for a croissant.  Although we’re pretty relaxed parents, let me reassure you that the espresso cup is actually empty and she’s just working on sucking down the frothed milk foam left over from Nate’s espresso.  Only a tiny bit of caffeine, I’m sure.  She’s a true Portlander, she is.

5 responses to “Thanksgiving Weekend

  1. My Thanksgiving Table didn’t look anything like that. Your table looked more like a picture from a magazine. I like your tradition.

  2. Silvie sounds like a lot of fun, especially with her love of trains and willingness to explore new things. Are you sure you can’t ship her here for a few days over Christmas? 🙂

  3. Oh she is SO gorgeous! What a sweet baby/not baby anymore! 🙂

    Deb, do you have a favorite baby food book? I bought us a Cuisinart and am SO excited for solid foods coming up soon!

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